Simon Ledger says he fears she will end up with a criminal record for performing the 1974 disco classic at a seafront bar on the Isle of Wight on Sunday after two people walking past apparently took offence.
The 34-year-old, from the island, regularly features Carl Douglas’s 1974 number one hit in his set when he performs at the Driftwood Beach Bar in Sandown.
The song? Kung Fu Fighting.
But after striking up the melody in front of customers at the weekend he noticed a man of Chinese origin walking past with his mother, making gestures at him and taking a picture on his mobile phone.
He said that he later received a telephone call from police – while he was dining in a Chinese restaurant – asking him to meet officers about the incident.
He was then arrested and questioned before being bailed.
And the charge?
Hampshire Police said that it had been following up a complaint of racially aggravated harassment.
Got that? SOMEBODY WALKING BY THE RESTAURANT says he was 'harassed with Racial Aggravation by hearing the song. Thin-skinned whiny little bastard, aren't you? And you cops, all actual crime is so under control you've got time to waste on bullshit like this?
What? TSA isn't following up on promises? And he's surprised? Disappointed I can see, but surprised?
So EEEVILLLEEEE Republicans and conservatives hate them some public employee unions; unfortunately for that theory,
Not only has the Massachusetts state House passed a new law barring all PEUs from collective bargaining on health care, it passed by a veto-proof majority — because Democrats pushed the bill:
Unions and progressive screechers hardest hit.
Speaking of screechers, a girl of Turk descent in Germany decided to pose for Playboy: screeching and threats erupt.
One poster on the Jihad Watch website wrote: "She needs to be very careful..." Another simply said: "She must pay."
A kebab shop owner, asked on German TV what he would do if Sila were his daughter, replied: "I would kill her. I really mean that. That doesn't fit with my culture."
His culture, obviously, having nothing to do with the country where he lives. The weenies in Brussels want to understand why parties like True Finn are rising in influence? Crap like this, which they already know if they've got three working brain cells to rub together.
About three million Muslim immigrants live in Germany, which has seen numerous honour killings in recent years by fanatical husbands, fathers and brothers.
In 2009, an asylum seeker was sentenced to life after killing his "too independent" German wife.
Of course, these ARE EUnuchs; counting on three brain cells...
So a tv crew is shooting storm updates and video a tornado forming and dissipating; that's right place at right time. Speaking of which, from Theo,
Let's see... Newly-elected politician actually wants to hold to campaign promises about shrinking government, or at least keeping it from growing, and the other politicians are getting pissy. Screw 'em.
And note: Some Texas legislators are upset that freshman state Rep. David Simpson (R-7) used parliamentary procedures to bump bills off the fast track House calendar. (Fast-track bills aren’t subject to debate.) In other words, they're mad because he wants their bills to actually be subject to debate and they don't want to have to do that.
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