Friday, November 05, 2010

Just in case any Stupid Party brass every see this site,

I think I'm going to occasionally start things with this:
We're watching. We're going after more RINOs next election. And any newly-elected who start playing like the old ones, well, they'll be out on their ass, too. You clowns need to remember that.

Well, the people who listen to Lott are those who WANT every Stupid Party member to be a compromising RINO, because it lets them buy influence; screw you, Lott.

Closeup of a comet; very cool.

Ace has some general financial roundup; some of which is enough to make you check the price on that coil of rope. Remember, buy good stuff so it can be used on multiple corrupt ratbag politicians and bureaucratssubjects. Speaking of which...

Oh, have you noticed that Obama is running around saying the whole Evil Party Getting Whacked election was due to him 'not selling his actions well enough'? Oh, we know what you're up to, Mr. President, and we don't like it; and we're damn well not buying your crap. I've got a tub of REAL cow manure outside for the garden, and it's worth a lot more than your lies and socialist crap.

No, you can't get away with banning ammunition. Bad public servants; hand me my whip.

You know, you read more and more things like this, and they lead to only two conclusions:
1: the clowns in DC and their high-level enablers were too damn stupid to see this, or
2: the clowns in DC and their high-level enablers WANT the US to go bankrupt.
The only real choices in what to do with them are, depending on which it is,
Fire them and ban them from ever handling public money or holding public office ever again, or
Since wanting to destroy the country ought to count as treason, imprison or hang them.

Among the reasons I despise John Effing Kerry and those like him:
Now, in case you forgot, Kerry’s yacht is a New Zealand-built Friendship sloop with an Edwardian-style, glossy varnished teak interior, two VIP main cabins and a pilothouse fitted with a wet bar and cold wine storage. We point this out because the excise tax on boats is $10 per thousand of valuation. However, the state caps the assessment on yachts over 60 feet that are less than four years old at $50,000. Which, if you ask us, seems rather foolish . . .

So, the $7 million Isabel, for excise tax purposes, is worth just $50G, meaning, should Kerry decide to pony up, he’d owe just $500 to the island’s tax coffers. Chump change for Jawn and Ta-ray-za!

Anyway, Kerry’s flack Jodi Seth told us the senator hasn’t paid because he hasn’t received a bill. Which is very different from what Kerry said last summer. Back then the story was that the senator would pay all the taxes as if the boat were berthed in Massachusetts.

“Whether owed or not, we intend to pay the equivalent taxes as if the boat’s home port were currently in Massachusetts,” Kerry said at the time. “That payment is being made promptly.”

Apparently not
Remember: taxes are for little people like us, not important people like Kerry.

Ok, read the second and third parts: THAT'S going to throw a weasel in the henhouse.

I will close this morning with reason why A: you should read Tam and B: one of the glorious side-effects of the election:
Anyhow, over the bar was a television, muted so that the soft rock radio station could be heard, with its Police and its Beatles. And on this television was President Barack Obama, apparently mouthing a speech about the events of last night, the night upon which his jackass party was beaten like the proverbial rented mule.

Now, the party that has retaken power in Congress may do nothing. At best I fear yesterday's election was a band-aid on a sucking chest wound, and at worst they'll go right back to getting all knotted up in rearranging the "family values" and "law'n'order" deck chairs while the USS Dollar continues to slip beneath the waves... But while I was eating lunch I watched the Brat Prince keep trying to strike his favorite chin-uplifted Mussolini pose, with its haughty "Who farted?" moue of confident disdain, but it wouldn't stick, and his facial expression kept drifting back to one that looked like a man chewing on a cat turd.

Rarely have I felt so warm inside, and yesterday's vote was totally worth it, if for nothing other than seeing that look on the face of "The Won". Sure, it's the politics of schadenfreude, but I'm only human after all

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