This is on the same level as Vice-Pres. Biden trying to work it so the Senate seat he used to sit it be virtually handed to his son in a couple of years. Absolute bullshit; it's not HIS seat, it belongs to the people of that state. If they're stupid enough to vote the son it because he IS Biden's son, then it's on their heads, but to have this maneuvering going on is sickening.
On Holder wanting to be AG, we now know that not only is he a GFW nanny-state dirtbag, he's a liar.
Speaking of liars and tax cheats and corrupt politicians(which is kind of redundant), we have Speaker Pelosi's 'most ethical Congress EVAH!' trying to brush over Rangel's tax cheating and other lawbreaking.
And, of course, we have the silence broken only by the chirping of crickets over Pres. Obama's 'new way of dealing with terrorists' involving Predator strikes and other such things.
"Just let me be great!" Snork. You're an idiot performer, West, who has delusions of grandeur. And persecution. Actually, you're a moron.
Well, here's another terrorist with interesting connections about to be released, instead of rotting in a cell as he should.
Another good reason to yell at your congresscritter about the 'stimulus' package is the garbage it's to be used to stimulate.
Robert Reich is whining because his words on construction jobs money actually got attention. And people are pissed about them. Tough shit, guy, thanks to this here internet your words are right out there for people to read; deal with it.
Sebastian has some wise words on the use of a semi-auto if it doubles or triples. Especially since the BATFE seems quite willing to use ANYTHING as evidence that you are a Bad Peasant.
More bullcrap "We know!" from GFW LE officers and the media.
And, to cap it all, the picture below has me right in the middle:
That pink area is the winter storm warning, purple is ice storm warning, blue is winter storm watch. Looks like were probably going to get a little ice here, the worst will be south and east. With part of north Texas getting pasted tonight and tomorrow.
I need some lunch, and- assuming the panic-buyers haven't grabbed it all- a bag of kitty litter for the front walk. See you later.
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