Thursday, January 16, 2025

Holy crap. At the least, if proven true a bunch of officers need to be gone,

if not facing 'conduct unbecoming' and such charges.  And this 'former FBI agent' needs to be looking at charges, too.
This is bad.  And then, a few hours later,
Make that Holy Shit!  
Not only the before, but this?  And a Pentagon advisor to the Joint Chiefs?

If that original piece is true, those officers were hanging out with some very bad people.  And let's not forget, if he was still a EffingBI agent, how?

Makes  you wonder if there might be more retirements from the upper levels of both.

One more thing: while back a prize-winning cartoonist drew this
And yes, now he's caught with child porn...
So how many of the Brit officials who're so desperate to prevent a full-out inquiry into the child sex rackets are so desperate because themselves or someone they know/work with...


Dan said...

Just more proof that the rot and corruption is so deep and widespread it should now be considered endemic....the normal state of affairs throughout ALL the Fed Gov.

Anonymous said...

Heinous crimes are a rite of passage to the levers of power. If a decent person tries to get access, they will be compromised through Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego, or discgraced or killed.

Stefan v.

Anonymous said...

Followed a link from the inestimable Sarah to get here. I’m sure I’ll stop back by. Anyone who lists Hammer Slammers as a favorite book deserves a second look.

Critter said...

Soliciting children for sex is how one gets ahead in a democratic administration.