Friday, January 17, 2025

Someone, in the last post about the so many Brits selling their souls,

mentioned he was truly surprised that people didn't say to hell with it and go after the rapists.

Two things: for the average Brit, they'll be in prison with no possible legal defense.  So far people haven't been willing to get together and say "If they won't act, we will.  And we'll make a stink the like of which they've never known."

The second is that some have: I've read in the past of Sikhs and some other group who got together, with sticks and occasional swords, and went after them, with a couple of pitched battles.  But they're a Protected Species, and the asshats in charge didn't want the stink, and the "The police and officials would not do anything about defending our children!" sticking to them.

Remember the friggin' BLM riots over there?  When the rioters got to the Sikh temples they found a line of them with staffs and swords, waiting.  And left them the hell alone, and no cops showed up to tell them "Hear, you can't do this!"


Sailorcurt said...

Also keep in mind that the British have a long and storied history as "Subjects".

Their status as free citizens is a relatively new development to which their culture has yet to fully adapt.

clayusmcret said...

Hundreds of years of submission cannot be overcome by the masses.