Friday, September 27, 2024

Some things before I go outside to take care of a couple of things

Of course the socialists want to give more money to the UN, especially to an agency that will harm Jews for them.

Yes, Biden is still a screaming asshole lying hoplophobe.

Being vaccinated against Covid sharply increased the risk heart attack patients would die or suffer heart failure after heart attacks, a major new peer-reviewed study in leading journal Vaccine shows. Alex Berenson has written about the study on his Substack, Unreported Truths.

Speaking of the NIH, more on how Fauci helps screw the world.

Oh, holy shit...

The owners of NoHo Diagnostic Center are suing the LAPD, the city of Los Angeles and multiple police officers, alleging they violated the business owners’ constitutional rights and demanding an unspecified amount in damages. Officers allegedly raided the diagnostic center, located in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, thinking it was a front for an illegal cannabis cultivation facility, pointing to higher-than-usual energy use and the “distinct odor” of cannabis plants, according to the lawsuit. 

Officers raided the facility on Oct. 18, 2023, and detained the lone female employee while they searched the business, the lawsuit said. However, they didn’t find a single cannabis plant and only saw a typical medical facility with rooms used for conducting x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs, the owners said. 

At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle “dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap,” the lawsuit said. The MRI machine’s magnetic force then allegedly sucked his rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine. MRI machines are tube-shaped scanners that use incredibly strong magnetic fields to create images of the brain, bones, joints and other internal organs.

An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit.
I am informed that, besides any damage done by the rifle impacting the machine, dumping the helium that way can cause very expensive and permanent damage.  I'd hope at least some of it comes out of the pockets of these idiot Drug Warriors.
'Higher than usual energy use'...

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