Friday, September 27, 2024

Mayhap there are some nice experiments that could be performed on the NIH bastards

involved in this.

The folks at White Coat Waste, a trans-partisan non-profit advocacy group based in the nation's capital, earlier this week released a new study documenting that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is "still shipping U.S. tax dollars to dozens of Chinese animal labs… including labs torturing beagles as young as one day old." 

"Documents uncovered through WCW’s investigation detail how NIH-funded labs in China are killing Beagles as young as one day old and severing Beagle puppies’ spinal cords. In one published experiment, white coats at a Chinese government lab write that 'the dogs were executed,'” WCW continued. 

Much of the experiments include severing the animal's spine, thus rendering its back legs useless and forcing the poor creature to drag itself around using only its front legs. Once the animal's usefulness in the experiment is past, it is, to use the Chinese lab's designation, "executed." 

And still these assholes are doing deals with the PRC to do things they can't get away with here...
Obviously this agency has far too much money to play with, severe budget cuts are in order.

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