Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A collection of stuff this morning, starting with

"Hm.  College is hugely expensive, a lot of the teachers and professors are bigoted leftist nutcases, and a lot of these degrees aren't worth crap for earning a living.  Or, this stuff gets my hands dirty and pays.  What to do..."

"Just an ordinary house in southern Lebanon.  Ignore all those secondary explosions, I'm sure they don't mean anything."

The Administration realized people who murder hostages may not be negotiating in good faith.
How long it took for that to sink in...

Ammo.com has a study on gun laws vs. crime rates this year.
I've only skimmed it, no time to read it all as yet.

A picture of the SKS the latest(that we know of) Trump assassin wannabe used.  I don't know if he thought the tape secured the scope better or was trying to hold the trigger group in, or what.

Speaking of people trying to kill Trump(or get him killed), our Do'J' demonstrates what asshats they are.

You may have heard some reporter is in trouble for 'having an affair' with RFK Jr.  If you're interested, there's a fairly complete, from what I've heard, breakdown of this mess, with Ace figuring a lot of this is based on "RFK Jr. is a traitor to the Cause, we must damage him so his endorsement won't help!", which could well be true.
I don't know what to think here.

I guess, first of all: Journalists are a mentally-ill, morally rotten lot. They tend to be psychopaths or borderline psychopaths. They routinely deceive people into revealing personal information that they then use to destroy those people. Yes, this is the job, but what kind of psychopath wants that kind of job?

Second, one of these stories reports that New York Magazine knew about this "relationship," whatever it was, for months. So why reveal it now? Well, you reveal it now to destroy RFKJr., to keep his endorsement from helping Trump.

Third, the affair, or almost-affair, between "reporter" and "source" is common in DC. The entire town is filled with sluts, adulterers, cads, and outright perverts. But the DC press corps refuses to report on this out of "professional courtesy," and Mutual Assured Destruction.

But they decided to risk the M.A.D. because it was really, really important to them to Get Trump.

95% of all press behavior (and bureaucrat behavior) of the past eight years is explained by this. They keep breaking all rules and violating all codes of ethics -- or, here, a prudent group agreement to keep all of their many, many affairs and grotesque sexual deviancies private -- because the imperative of stopping Trump is more important than any ethic, rule, or prudent social compact about hiding everyone's affairs.

Ray Bradbury wrote "“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”
That includes not just government control freaks, but fucking idiots who apparently think they'll either be immune from the rules or be in charge of them.
'Writers and academics', why am I not surprised?

And with that, I've got to go do things.

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