Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How stupid is it in the .gov?

...Nonetheless, we were forced to kidnap a seal, strap it to a board, put headphones on the seal, and play sonic boom sounds to it to see if it would be distressed. This is an actual thing that happened. This is actually real. I have pictures. It's a seal with headphones strapped to a board.

Now, the amazing part is how calm the seal was. Because if I was a seal, I'd be like, this is the end. They're definitely going to eat me. When the seal goes back to other seal friends, how's he going to explain that? Never going to believe him. That's why I'm like, well, it's like getting kidnapped by aliens and getting an anal probe. You come back and say, I swear to God, I got kidnapped by aliens, they stuck an anal probe in my butt. And people are like, no, that's ridiculous. His seal buddies are never going to believe him that he gets strapped to a board, and they put headphones on his ears and then let him go.

I don't think the public is quite aware of the madness that goes on."

Whole story here

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