Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Austria... maybe they're trying to go back a few decades and start getting rid of the disabled.

A 9-year-old disabled boy in Austria was forced to take an exam outside in freezing cold weather as punishment for not wearing a mask.

An investigation is now underway as to ascertain why the student in Voitsberg was treated in such a manner despite having a valid mask exemption.

Emphasis mine.

Few months back, there was a story about a autistic little girl with a medical exemption here in the US; one day the teacher forgot to take off the mask she'd been TYING ON THE GIRLS HEAD every day before she sent her home.

The parents were pissed, and I'm hoping there were charges on the bitch and the principal who I'd bet knew about it.

Maybe our teachers like that can go over there and they can all wear armbands with a fancy symbol and abuse kids together.


Phelps said...

Well, if it is any consolation, it looks like Putin is putting troops on the Belarus-Polish border and cranking up cyberattacks against Polish infrastructure.

If Putin goes in on Ukraine AND Poland, he's rolling through Germany and Austria, and likely won't stop until Gibraltar.

It's kind of hilarious that Russian Invasion is now the best chance for freedom in Austria.

Anonymous said...

People have forgotten that Hitler was an Austrian.