Sunday, January 16, 2022

Why does this not surprise me?

Muslim terrorist attacks a synagogue, takes hostages, demands another terrorist be released from prison, gets whacked(applause).  What does the EffingBI say?
Matthew DeSarno, FBI Dallas special agent in charge, said the hostage taker was thought to have been "singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community."
Oh, of course not.

And from the official White House paid liar,
Interesting what she doesn't mention, isn't it?  Borrowing from over at Insty,
“It’s curious that Psaki failed to mention that the hostage situation was in a synagogue, wouldn’t you agree? While details are slim right now, it’s very clear that the hostage-taker is Muslim, and he’s targeted Jewish people in their place of worship. Biden and members of his administration are never at a loss for words when it comes to hate crimes or even gun violence that fits a certain narrative. Perhaps the tweet wouldn’t have seemed suspiciously devoid of information about who the victims and the perpetrator are if Biden and the Democrats didn’t have a habit of turning a blind eye to the violence that doesn’t fit their preferred narrative. Had it been a white supremacist taking hostages at a black church, I doubt those details would have gone unmentioned.”


Tsquared said...

Just speculation...

With all the negative stuff the FBI has been associated with over the last year could they have manufactured this event? There is a lot of the details that are missing and things that seem to a bit convenient for the FBI. They needed a win to take some of the pressure off their shady crap that has been going on.

Firehand said...

I doubt it; among other things, the bad guy is too inconvenient for the clowns in DC.

And their "We don't know what the motive may have been" bullshit is not exactly going over well.