Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Earlier today a repeat visitor came by

I'm pretty sure he's the one who was sitting on the neighbor's carport a few weeks ago; he may well be one I've seen around before that.  I need to find some data and figure what kind he is.

He would explain the loose pile of feathers I've found in the back yard a couple of times. 


Anonymous said...

Probably a Coopers Hawk, the have a pretty large range across North America.

DaveS said...

You've probably had better views than the photo, but you might want to start by looking at the ID for a Broad-winged hawk...

DaveS said...

or a Rough-legged hawk...

Firehand said...

Looking at some pictures, I think it's a Ferruginous Hawk, also known as a Ferruginous rough-leg.

Last time I saw it, wasn't able to get a picture. This time did, and it looks like the picture of the Ferru in Wikipedia