Saturday, March 09, 2019

Attention: if you have a kid who actually has a physical problem with vaccines, (link changed)

that's one thing: if you're not getting your kid vaccinated because 'Autism!' and/or 'Natural Immunity' or some other such bullshit, you're an idiot.  A really low-level one.

This kid spent FIFTY-SEVEN DAYS in a hospital, most of it in critical; God knows what the long-term problems from this might be.  All because his idiot parents don't like vaccines, even one that's been saving lives for eighty years.  And after the kid went through all that,
“Despite extensive review of the risks and benefits of tetanus vaccination by physicians, the family declined the second dose of DTaP and any other recommended immunizations,” the CDC report read.


Anonymous said...

Access denied

Firehand said...

Different link