Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A couple of days of sort-of rest

does help after the weekend, but I still feel like someone's been beating on me with sticks.

Weather's not helping.  I make it to warmer weather, that'll help.

1 comment:

Phssthpok said...

Best $20 I've spent in a LONG time. Being on my feet all day (heavy industrial fabricator), everything from the hips down is flat tuckered and sporting a dull ache when I get home.

I only put this thing under the covers as a bed warmer, but soon discovered that set on high at least an hour before I crawl in, its like slipping into a hot tub. A gentle, yet penetrating heat that literally soothes and relaxes everything.

Has a three hour auto-shutoff too, so i don't have to wirry about over heating throughout the night.