Monday, January 14, 2019

One quick comment on the media:

And these shitheads wonder why we don't trust them?
Frank Bruni, formerly the New York Times’s White House reporter and now a columnist for the paper, has a long, long op-ed that is unintentionally revealing. It is headlined, “Will the Media Be Trump’s Accomplice Again in 2020?” As though the press were pro-Trump in 2016! “We have a second chance. Let’s not blow it.” A second chance to help a Democrat beat Donald Trump.
Insty is right: nothing but Democrat operatives with bylines.

1 comment:


The one good thing about the Leftmedia coming out so overtly is they've shown their colors. They can't go back now...

The problem is that too many RINOs still think there is an "impartial media" out there. I remember some years ago when, at a local GOP meeting, someone commented about media bias... so the GOP bigwig said "You're right; we'll put out a press release protesting media bias".

I almost fell out of my chair between the shock at the naivete and the sheer stupidity of the idea.