Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ma Nature, looking to kill you 24/7

And lots of tools at her disposal.
A SCIENTIST was eaten alive by a 17ft long crocodile after being dragged into its enclosure while she fed it last week. 

Deasy Tuwo, 44, was feeding croc Merry early on Friday morning at the CV Yosiki Laboratory in Indonesia when the beast appears to have reared and leapt up an 8ft high concrete wall, pulling her into the water.


Arthur said...

Animal handler version of a negligent discharge. Got complacent and...

Anonymous said...

If your job description includes feeding the crock, you are not a "scientist".

Anonymous said...

What bull 3:17pm! Lots of "scientists" today are not really scientists, but you can't judge that based on tasks performed. Do you really think anyone without millions in grant funding to hire menial minions isn't a real professional? Many, possibly even most, actual scientists build and maintain their own lab equipment, and collect their own samples, and care for their lab animals. The ones who deserve our disrespect are those who think they're somehow too good for such work.