Friday, May 20, 2016

And things become even more interesting in the Everglades

Joining an already robust list of invasive species, Florida researchers have now confirmed that three Nile crocodiles were indeed captured near Miami, and more are probably out there.

According to the Washington Times, University of Florida researchers recently published a report showing DNA testing from three crocs captured back in 2009, 2011 and 2014 does, in fact, match DNA from Nile crocodiles.

“They didn’t swim from Africa,” University of Florida herpetologist Kenneth Krysko said to the Times. “But we really don’t know how they got into the wild.”
I've got a couple of ideas!

Pythons and boas are bad enough, if there's enough of these bastards loose to make a breeding population...

'Higher' Education.  'Respect for contrary viewpoints'.
The Guardian questioned his fitness for academic life. At UWA, there was a rowdy gathering of academics and students, described by one witness as being "like a Rolling Stones concert," at which there was apparently "riotous applause" when a speaker called on UWA to "end [its] deal with the climate change-contrarian." Sounds less Rolling Stones gig, and more controversy-allergic mob.

The UWA Student Guild also insisted Lomborg should be kept out of UWA. The language the Guild used was striking: it accepted that Lomborg "doesn't refute climate change itself," but pointed out that he does have a "controversial track record [as a] climate contrarian." So this was about keeping controversy off campus, protecting UWA, not from scientifically incorrect thinking, but from contrarian thinking. It was a demand for nothing less than political censorship, of a thinker who dares to think differently to the mainstream on the issue of climate change.

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