Thursday, September 08, 2011

James Bannerman and Joan Peterson:

yeah, they go together.
Meleanie Hain was unquestionably a “gun violence” victim by the definitions put forward by the anti-rights cultists, and yet not only was she demonized and reviled by the same, her murder was celebrated by the same people who would exploit her death to enact more unconstitutional “gun control”.

Why do I bring this up all these years later?

Well, it would appear as though James Bannerman has taken to hanging out at the weblog of professional “gun violence” victim exploiter, Joan Peterson, and commiserating about how mean us pro-rights advocates are for pointing out that gun control supporters frequently argue from logically, morally, or emotionally weak positions. Considering how much time and effort Joan has expended in setting herself up as a “gun violence” victim (when, in truth, she is as much a “gun violence” victim as I am an Alzheimer’s victim), I wonder if Joan is aware of James’ perspective on people like her?

I wonder how Joan would feel if Bannerman had said those things about Joan’s sister, Barbara Berglund?

In any case, it is an important perspective for pro-rights advocates for us to bear in mind. “Gun control” supporters like Bannerman do want us dead for daring to have differing opinions, and are willing to use the government to kill us if they have to. Other “gun control” supporters with stiffer spines are willing to murder us themselves. Countless “gun control” supporters want to ban firearms, ban our rights, harass and bully us, intimidate us and our families, and silence us by any means available.

These are the people we are fighting against, folks. These are the people we would defend our rights against. And these are the people we cannot permit to win. Ever.

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