Wednesday, September 04, 2024

And they just can't understand why the "Stop the illegal aliens' party is gaining

Click to embiggen
Full video can be seen here

This also points out just how effing stupid "Queers for Palestine" is


Anonymous said...

this is from people who have no idea how bad the ragheads are in real life. back in the 1970's, GI's used to beat the shit out of the damn "turks"
and the German police used to watch.
I bet they wish we come back and do it again and kick them out while we at it.

Anonymous said...

Business, i.e. lying as usual.

John said...

WAIT!!! The "woke" libtards want everyone to just get along. Isn't that what life's all about? I mean, unicorns and rainbows. Let the God-less moose limbs take over where and what they want. They will live their lives in peace. Right?

UN - f*ckin' - BELIEVABLE!!!

Maxwell said...

Hope you kept those sturmgewehrs oiled and ready, volks.