Friday, September 06, 2024

Seems Biden got off the 'prompter and told a truth

President Biden admits that the 'Inflation Reduction Act' was not actually about inflation after he started ranting without the teleprompter.

Holy sh*t.

Biden said the Inflation Reduction Act was actually about funding Climate Change efforts and said the Act should have actually been named something different.

He's being honest, back then he knew if he called it what is was, it would not have passed.

He and every one of the bastards who did this... he's already gone, but all the rest should go too.


Anonymous said...

The rule of thumb when it comes to government bills is:
Expect the opposite of whatever it's named.

Stevearinob said...

His daddy, "you can keep you're doctor" Obama taught him that trick.

Anonymous said...

If the demorats can gain political points by having biden die before election day, then he will die- Remember when obama's Grandmother Dunham conveniently died the day before Election Day 2008? She was arguably the only "loose end" left at that point in time who knew all of his secrets-