Thursday, September 05, 2024

So I don't lose track of these,

I'll post links here.
"You peasants don't need to know anything about these illegal aliens unless we decide to let you know", say the enemies of our civilization.

Our Professional Journalists have been contemptable assholes for a long time.

Carry whenever and wherever you legally can, because we don't know when or where.  Also,
Kurilla has been sounding similar alarms from CENTCOM. The forces under his command conducted 475 ground operations and 45 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria last year—killing or capturing almost 1,000 of the group’s fighters. In a March statement, Kurilla affirmed that both ISIS and al Qaeda “remain committed to inflicting violence.” Although U.S. forces have kept ISIS from controlling large portions of Iraq and Syria, by Kurilla’s count, the group still has at least 5,000 fighters. Over the span of just two weeks in early 2024, ISIS conducted 275 attacks—its highest rate in years. Al Qaeda, meanwhile, continues to operate from Afghanistan and Yemen.
Remember when ISIS was small, and traveling in convoys in the open?  When they could've been wiped out fairly easily?  But Obama said "They're just the JV team" and let them get big?

I can't read it all, short version is "The Elites don't like people thinking for themselves.  And wish they could make us stop."

This you can read all of.  'Misinformation/disinformation' my ass.

Medical data crookery in the Netherlands, guess why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ISIS is the US. And we arranged for them to be treated in Israeli hospitals. It started with John McCain funding them.