Thursday, May 30, 2024

Holy crap... at what point do we start taking corrupt bureaucrats and pharma execs

and idiot judges and just making wind chimes out of them?
From 2000, increasing mumps outbreaks amongst the fully vaccinated and boosted prompted the FDA to instruct Merck to prove the 95 per cent protection claim, otherwise they would lose their licence. Merck re-ran the numbers and fell way short. They designed a test to measure effectiveness – Protocol 7 – that included rabbit’s blood in the hope it would falsely enhance the sensitivity of it. They also swapped the wild measles virus for the weakened vaccine strain in the test. Nothing improved the figures enough and they stood to lose millions in revenue. Investigating the alleged fraud, Dr Andy Wakefield said: ‘At that stage they simply decided to cross out the numbers and change them for numbers that gave them the result they wanted.’

Despite overwhelming evidence, first highlighted in 2010 by Merck whistleblowers, virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, last July Judge Chad F Kenney ruled in favour of the drugs giant who claimed that doctoring the data did not matter because the US government knew and continued to buy their MMR jab anyway. The government’s defence was that they had no choice as they had to protect children against measles. Merck hold the US monopoly for MMR, and measles was targeted for global eradication using the vaccine. An appeal is expected to be heard next month.

And what does this corruption mean for the Wuhan vaccines?


markm said...

I stopped reading the linked article at it's mention of Wakefield - the idiot or fraudster who falsely claimed a link between vaccines and autism. If the publication thinks his career should not have been destroyed, they are utterly unable to distinguish truth from dangerous BS!

Anonymous said...

You've got a pharma shill on here ☝️