Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Ah, the joys of watching other people on bikes in warm weather,

while knowing you don't dare ride yet.  All it would take is one sudden stop and having to shove that left leg down hard...  It sucks.

As a number of you are aware, every time the PT guys throw in something knew, the knee/leg starts aching in a new way for a few days.  After which the next new stuff will come in.  Etc.

Yes, I have made sure the bike stays charged up, and is run occasionally, and moved around to change the tire positions.

Work has been quite accommodating, the three days I was back.  With several people watching for a reason to say "Don't push it", or "Go home", it's like having Mom around, without the cooking.

Couple of days ago I hit a local store, having decided "It's been WAY too damned long the smoker hasn't been hot, this has to end."  Amazingly I found a small brisket that wasn't way overpriced, and about noon it went in.  Right now it's in the oven finishing, took longer than planned to get home from doing laundry(but for a good reason) so it started smoking about an hour later than planned.  And I'd forgotten, when they have a nice thick portion, how long it'll take to get up to proper internal temp.  However, I was able to try part of the flat, and it's good.

And now I have to do some PT crap, and stretching, and then clean up before I collapse.

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