Friday, May 13, 2022

"How dare you not worship at the feet of our idol! No job for you!"

A pattern was starting to emerge: Reporters and editors would omit key details that undermined the BLM narrative. More important than reporting accurately was upholding—nurturing—that storyline.

At some point, the organization went from ignoring key facts to just reporting lies. When Donald Trump declared, in July 2020, that the police kill more white than black people—this is true—Reuters, in its dispatch, repeated the false claim that blacks “are shot at a disproportionate rate.” In December 2020, Reuters reported that black Americans “are more likely to be killed by police,” citing a 2019 National Academy of Sciences study that, our reporters claimed, found that black men were 2.5 times likelier than white men to be killed by police. In fact, the only rigorous study to examine the likelihood of police use of force—Roland Fryer’s—found that police, as mentioned, were less likely to use lethal force against black Americans.

Finally wrote a piece, with lots of data to back it up; it was yanked, he did the "What can I change to put it back up?" deal, got it back up, and the inevetable happened:
Then the comments started rolling in. A handful of BLM supporters, all of them white, said that, as a white person, I had no place criticizing BLM. They called my review of the academic literature “whitesplaining” (failing to note that many of the academics I cited were black). I was publicly derided as a “troll,” “confused,” “laughable,” and “not worth engaging with or even attempting to have an intelligent conversation” with. One colleague said: “I do not believe that there is any point in trying to engage in a blow-by-blow refutation of your argument, and I will not do so. My unwillingness to do so doesn't signal the strength of your argument. If someone says, ‘The KKK did lots of good things for the community—prove me wrong,’ I'm not obligated to do so.”

 Notably absent from the attacks directed at me was even a single substantive challenge to the facts I was citing.

And he winds up being fired.  He's filed, but it being the People's Republic of MA, I have doubts they'll go for him.

Someday there needs to be a reckoning for bullshit like this.  Preferably while it can still be done peacefully.


Phuc Dims said...

The media in this country are nothing but democrat apparatchiks, and should be considered legitimate targets in a shooting civil war. In fact they should be the first casualties, that might prevent the spread of disinformation at the start of hostilities.

Old Al said...

I fear the peaceful options are no longer available.