Saturday, May 02, 2020

Dating myself horribly,

at my old job I worked on some of these for a year or so before they finally got a terminal in.  That's 'one', and it kind of sucked.  But within a year we had some decent ones that sped things up considerably.


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Don't feel bad. I worked ASRs for years. Paper tape, punch cards, 8" floppies, 5.24", 3.5...

Red Pill Wisdom said...

I wonder how many people nowadays could operate an old manual 'dial telephone', or a manual typewriter?

Roger Ritter said...

In college, the first "interactive" computing that I did was on an ASR-33 teletype. We also used IBM 029 card punches to create the Hollerith cards for the batch programs in our programming class. Moving to a 300-baud video terminal in a later class was a step up, and (since I was an assistant in the computer lab) getting to use the single 1200-baud terminal was heavenly!

mark leigh said...

US Army radio teletype operator. I trained on that style keyboard and am now on disability for the severe carpal tunnel eight years using them gave me. Computer keyboards are in fact hard for me to use as they feel cramped.

Country Boy said...

I still have my paper tape repair kit. You can cut, splice, and punch holes to repair the tape and correct the data.