Sunday, July 14, 2019

'African Wins Again' was a phrase I first heard

from Peter Capstick.  Years later I read 'Let Africa Sink'.  And the other day I ran across this:
I have seen. I am not turning my head and pretending unpleasant things are not true.

Senegal was not a hellhole. Very poor people can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures' terms. But they are not our terms. The excrement is the least of it. Our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are incompatible.
Interesting read.  The kind that makes leftists break out in sweats and scream 'Racist!', because uncomfortable facts are not to be tolerated.


taminator013 said...

Everyone should watch the film "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and see how such a simple thing as a glass Coke bottle can have a profound effect on a perfectly happy primitive people.......

Firehand said...

I've got a copy, it's a wonderful movie

Noneedtobemean said...

Big Capstick fan. Miss his writting.