Friday, March 20, 2015

Borrowing from Insty,

These little Junior Anti-Sex League members combine thuggishness and fragility in a particularly obnoxious way. They should be sent home until they are mature enough for college. And America. And no parent should pay tuition to a school that takes this sort of hysterical behavior seriously.
What behavior?
“If this is feminism, it’s feminism hijacked by melodrama,” she writes. “The melodramatic imagination’s obsession with helpless victims and powerful predators is what’s shaping the conversation of the moment, to the detriment of those whose interests are supposedly being protected, namely students. The result? Students’ sense of vulnerability is skyrocketing.”

Including, apparently, their vulnerability to articles in The Chronicle of Higher Education. As the protesters wrote on a Facebook page for their event, they wanted the administration to do something about “the violence expressed by Kipnis’ message.” Their petition called for “swift, official condemnation of the sentiments expressed by Professor Kipnis in her inflammatory article,” and demanded “that in the future, this sort of response comes automatically.”

And let's add this one for further illustration:
A student at Reed College has been banned from class for denying the existence of “rape culture” in the United States and arguing that the oft-repeated statistic that one in five women are raped at college is bogus.
...“[Other students] have said that things you have said in our conference have made them so upset that they have difficulty concentrating in other classes. I, as conference leader, have to do what is best for the well-being of the entire class, and I am therefore banning you from conference for the remainder of the semester.”

At least one student thinks giving True the boot was the right move, saying that True’s statements somehow represented a safety hazard.
Well, yeah, you get an attack of the vapors in class, who knows what could happen?

There's an awful lot of 'That data/video isn't available anymore' going around in Sodom on the Potomac.

Remember: the man who helped the SEALs get bin Laden is still sitting in a Pakistani prison, and President Selfie isn't doing a damn thing to get him out.

What does that tell both friends and enemies?

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