Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spent a lot of time on my feet the other day

and the spider-bit foot is telling me about it; it's still a lot better than a week ago, just going to take a while to fully get over it.  So while I'm sitting here with my foot up,
at the buffet this morning:

A lot of you are aware of this, but for those who aren't: Obama told the CDC to do a study on 'causes and prevention of gun violence'.  And the CDC did an honest study and report.  Which is why Obama and his pet media won't talk about it.
For example, the majority of gun-related deaths between 2000 and 2010 were due to suicide and not criminal violence:
Between the years 2000-2010 firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups, annually accounting for 61 percent of the more than 335,600 people who died from firearms related violence in the United States.

In addition, defensive use of guns “is a common occurrence,” according to the study:
Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.
Accidental deaths due to firearms has continued to fall as well, with “the number of unintentional deaths due to firearm-related incidents account[ing] for less than 1 percent of all unintentional fatalities in 2010.”
Doesn't fit the narrative at all.  Wonder how much yelling they did at the CDC for not tailoring the results to what Obama & Co. wanted?

More of the screwing-over-of-people caused by Franklin Roosevelt & Co.:
But there was one unintended, but totally predictable, consequence of the so-called "allotment payments" to farmers not to grow: they would have no more use for sharecroppers. So sharecroppers, who were mainly in the South and who were already in bad shape, suddenly found themselves out of work. When landowners were paid to keep land fallow, there was no crop on that land to share.
And a lot of those sharecroppers were black.  So
Senator Smith came to my office when he heard that the [allotment] checks were going out to the tenants. A senator coming to see a young bureaucrat shows how things were turned upside down by the New Deal . . . He said, "Young fella, you can't do this to my ni**ers, paying checks to them. They don't know what to do with the money. [DRH comment: Count me skeptical. My guess is that they knew exactly what to do with the money.] The money should come to me. I'll take care of them. They're mine." That attitude, much less kindly expressed, was widespread.

Makes you wonder what journalists might find out if they actually REPORTED on these protests, doesn't it?
The first thing I learned is these protesters were clueless about the pipeline they were protesting, and about oil and economics in general.

I asked one of the protesters, Mike Roy, why he is only protesting the pipeline now, even though it’s been operating without incident since the 1970s. He seemed genuinely surprised to learn this. I asked him why he only opposes the plan to put Alberta oil in it, but was fine with it pumping OPEC crude for decades.

At first Roy simply refused to believe me. He was confused about how OPEC oil could be pumped from Alberta. He didn’t understand that the pipeline was operating now, with Saudi and Algerian oil now. The Alberta plan would be a change — that’s the “reverse” part that he was protesting. He didn’t know that.
How could people who were so clueless about what they were protesting also be so passionate, too? That’s the second thing I learned. I did what many reporters simply don’t do — I Googled the names of a half dozen protesters there. Mike Roy was from London. So was Bailey Lamon. And Dan Beaudoin. Jeff Hanks was from out of town too.

They’re professional protesters, who go from town to town on whatever the cause of the day is — Occupy, Idle No More, anti-GMO food, whatever. That’s why they didn’t know anything about the pipeline. They didn’t care. They just like protesting.

They're pissed at the Army breaking up their camps, so the Muslim Brotherhood burns churches and attacks Christians in general.  Wonderful people, aren't they?

Chris Christie: miserable little suckass politician.  "Wait, even if I demanded this, if I sign hit gun ban it'll cause me trouble if I run for President!  VETO!"

Ok, screw sitting here with my leg up.  It's a fine day outside, and I'm going to do some stuff.  Hopefully without dropping something on or rolling something over my foot.


Luton Ian said...

Re; piplene protest

anarchists engaged in trying to influence politicians?

and that lamestream journalist had the cheek to slag off its colleagues for being lazy

Keith said...

Spiders and bees.

I got 3 bee stings yesterday, and found out that in the 12 months since the last honey bee got me - I've developed an allergy to them.

Within five minutes the palms of my hands, soles of my feet and one or two other places were itching like crazy.

I drove to a friend's house and in that second five minutes, I thought I was going to pass out.

Even with a couple of anti histamine pills I went on to develop a spectacular rash on my arms legs and belly.

Fortunately there was no anaphylactic reaction, just skin.

twenty four hours on and I'm still feeling crap.

I'm going to start carrying anti histamine tablets (and water - those little mothers give rotten heartburn!)in the vehicle