Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why does this not surprise me about the Occupy clowns

& Co.?
Now they had meetings for a long time before and what they ultimately decided to do—and it was folks like Lisa Fithian leading the training, and I know because I was in the training…undercover —but what they did is they mapped out the city, maps with corporate targets, business leaders home addresses, and Republican delegates home addresses, and also where the hotels were the delegates were going to be staying in. And they handed out these maps and then they showed people videos of Molotov cocktails and various other criminal behavior and asked everyone to be creative and feel free to use what they called a diversity of tactics and to make sure the Republican National Convention can’t occur, you know, can’t happen.

In a later planning session they mapped out the area around the convention center; they divided it into several sections. Then each group of anarchists of their RNC Welcoming Committee—which we now call Occupy—each group was responsible for a different sector.
Now, Lisa Fithian and the organizers, they realized that the police were not going to allow a group to set up and do that, allow the yellow group to do that. So they figured they could use the green group, the green group being the mainstream liberal and Democratic protesters who would never violate the law intentionally. So the organizers would manipulate the green group to get into the street and protest. The green group’s not realizing that they’re being used to cover illegal behavior that’s interfering with the rights of other Americans to assemble. And then when the police told the green group to get out they would slow the green group down and try to keep them from getting out of the road. Well eventually the green group would get out of the road. And if that didn’t give the yellow group enough time to finish locking down across the road, then the red group—which are the black mask wearing anarchists would come in—and the red group would actually begin to attack police.
So the buses that did get through when they were held up by the yellow group, then the red group would come back and the red group threw bricks and flagstones through the windows, they slashed the tires of the buses, they threw bleach and urine in the delegates faces and they attacked the buses and the people on the buses. And that’s what they’re going to do this time
And, chances are the major media will ignore/cover up/lie about it, and the Evil Party bigshots will scream about the cops and Stupid Party trying to 'shut down people speaking their minds', etc.

This has the potential to get real bad, real ugly, and real bloody.

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