Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Or it could be the family NAME,

you effing moron.
Speaking of Tam, check DbD for today

Looks like a LOT of people are tired of Nanny Bloomberg, including
.@MikeBloomberg Is leaving office after 2 terms as the City Charter required too much of an inconvenience?

Aren't they wonderful people on the nutty left?

"I barely knew those terrorists, they were just some people in the neighborhood!" Yeah, right.
Take note: you find something like this, take a screenshot or something, because
Breitbart News attempted to contact Dr. Perrin for further comment:
Dear Dr. Perrin,

My name is Joel Pollak, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News.

We came across your blog entry from July 2005 in which you mentioned that then-Senator Obama had been a guest at the Ayers/Dohrn house next door. http://ramblingthomas.blogspot.com/2005_07_01_archive.html

I was wondering if you could provide more detail.

Many thanks,
Joel Pollak
Dr. Perrin did not respond. He did, however, delete his entire blog from the Internet.

Of course, Breitbart News had saved a screen grab of the blog beforehand:
trying to stuff things down the memory hole is a very popular thing with some people.

Dear DEA:

And screw your "We can also use it to catch other criminals" BS.

Sincerely, etc.

Globular Warmering!
“Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never before been noted. . . . Many old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable. Where formerly great masses of ice were found, there are now often moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended far into the sea they have entirely disappeared. The change in temperature has also brought about great change in the flora and fauna of the Arctic.”
Guess when.

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