Sunday, September 22, 2024

Those critters do weird some people out

Son's second time in Iraq, his unit got the honor of starting setup of a new Forward Operating Base at what he was told had been a railroad station in the long past, and a monastery before that(so he was told).  That meant getting the buildings remaining habitable, building up some supplies, security, etc.

They got there, walked into one building, one guy looked up: "Holy shit, what's that?"
Son looks up, "It's a bat."
"Fuck, do we shoot it?"  Remember what I said about weirding people out?  
"No, you don't shoot it!  They eat bugs, and it won't hurt you, find a ladder."
Ladder was found, gloves donned, and this fearsome beast was taken from the rafters,
taken outside and placed in a bush.

After the engineers had set up generators, said at night you could watch bugs swarming around the lights, and lots of bats taking advantage of the buffet.


Anonymous said...

I've had bats get into my house on more than one occasion- they fly in circles in the room in absolute silence- if you leave a window or door open they will eventually locate it and leave- they love their bugs!

Jess said...

Years ago, while swimming in the Frio River late in the evening, one of our group found throwing a small rock would get the attention of the numerous bats flying in the darkening sky. One finally succumbed to the lure, and flew into the water trying to catch the "bug" it was chasing.

We took a small styrofoam cup, retrieved it from its certain death, and placed it on a secluded spot to recover. After drying, it flew away to resume it's feeding.

I was amazed how small it was, and how it was far from the dangerous critter usually portrayed.

Paul V said...

I have a lot of bats here on the farm during the summer and I see a lot of little black bat turds on the floors of some buildings and especially in the hay mow of one of the barns. I enjoy watching them swoop around in the dusk chasing bugs and I've always wondered how many bugs go into making up just one of those little turds.

Peaowed said...

As soon as the Sun goes down the bats start stirring around our rural property. We normally have 2 to 4 every evening and we enjoy sitting on the deck to watch them. They can perform some amazing aerial maneuvers.