Thursday, July 11, 2024

How bad has the military become?

This bad.
An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.”

The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.

The organizations labeled by the army as terror organizations include National Right to Life and Operation Rescue.

They also included a screenshot of a license plate with “IM4IT,” which is a plate many Pro-Life citizens put on their car which implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate.

The slide goes on to mention activities which these organizations participate in which include being Pro-Life, opposing Row v Wade, demonstrating and protesting (a 1st Amendment protected right), “Truth Displays,” and picketing.

They also falsely attribute the bombing of abortion clinics to National Right to Life.

Keep in mind they’re not labeling them as extremist organizations (which would still be crazy), but as terrorist organizations.

The military and Dept of Defense are insanely out of control. Service-members are being indoctrinated to view Pro-Life groups as the enemy.

I'd suggest click the link, they have a picture.

I wonder how many troops heard and looked at this and thought "What the FUCK?"   Hopefully a lot.


Anonymous said...

obama got rid of all flag officers and replace them with all the fag officers.

Terrytheterrible said...

Import foreign military and ruin our military,.......hmm.