Tuesday, July 09, 2024

France and Britain voted, they're getting what they voted for,

and they are screwed.

Anybody who's succeeded and doesn't want it all raped away better leave soon, from the looks of it.  And if you're a Jew in France, you'd better consider packing up the family, because
Frances’s far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélanchon chose to be flanked by the antisemitic Rima Hassan wearing a keffieh while reacting to the first round of #FrenchElections. Hassan has recently accused the IDF of training dogs to rape Palestinian women.
Yeah, that's going to work.  Of course, it's going to get worse in Britain, too.



bob said...

Also de-fanged now what?

Anonymous said...

The people voted for a change. Their government voted to keep them out of the majority needed to change anything. All they need to do is vote harder next time to get the same results. The avowed marxists do not intend to be without power.

Rob said...

New lines are being drawn & it's not looking good.

riverrider said...

apparently they never read their own history. oh well, should be fun to watch, unless it pops off over here first. "those that make peaceful change impossible....".