Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Conehead, as Second City Cop calls him, is really desperate to deflect blame

from the guilty.
In recent years, Chicago’s leaders have blamed a wide range of external factors for the city’s infamous street violence. They’ve pointed fingers at Donald Trump, Indiana, Kim Foxx, and gun manufacturers, among others. On Monday, after 108 people were shot, 19 fatally, during the Independence Day weekend, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson became the first leader to blame Richard Milhous Nixon.

“We are standing here today talking about a violent weekend because of generations of disinvestment,” Johnson told a room full of reporters.

“Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time,” Johnson claimed. “We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes and people mocked President [Lyndon] Johnson and we ended up with Richard Nixon.”

Oh yeah, couldn't possibly be leftist bail and catch & release policies, couldn't possibly be leftists destroying the schools in the name of 'equity', no, it's the Right!
And somehow 'disinvestment' doesn't count the God-only-knows-how-much of other people's money has been given the Chicago over the decades.  

HeyJackass even has a Nixon t-shirt for the occasion.


Anonymous said...

Gee, I guess they wouldn't have all them shootings if there wasn't a Fourth of July celebration to begin with if it weren't for those pesky Founding Fathers.
Surprised they haven't been blamed.

rickn8or said...

Richard Nixon?

Law-and-Order Richard Nixon that has been DEAD for how long and we've had how many Democrat Presidents in the interim that haven't fixed things?

THAT Richard Nixon??ead

Firehand said...

Not to mention no Republican mayor for, what, about seventy years?

markm said...

It's been all Democrats for 97 years, or about 20 years longer than China has been a single-party nation.
