Saturday, June 22, 2024

I've liked the Gun Free Zone blog,

but there was a difficulty and it's going away.  They are starting from scratch at this address:


Brian said...

As a "boomer" I'm not going to read someone who thinks I should be put into a camp and have all money redistributed.

Firehand said...

Neither does Miguel. Which is why the one who posted that has been cut off- completely- and they're restarting the blog.

Sailorcurt said...

The whole reason I stopped frequenting TGFZ is because of the writer who had such an unbridled hatred of "boomers" and talked about it so freely and often.

The idea that all members of a generation should be painted with the same brush is exactly the same mindset that causes all gun owners to be blamed whenever a mass killing or heinous crime is committed with a gun or guns.

I was born in 1964, so I'm a "boomer" by the skin of my teeth. If I'd been born 5 months later, I'd be Gen Z. but because I was born 5 months too soon, I'm painted with the same brush as people born in 1946? Do you really believe I was raised in the same culture and with the same worldview as someone born in 1946? Seriously?

That's ridiculous.

I was also raised on a farm in a rural community. Do you think someone raised in the country in ANY generation was raised in the same culture and with the same worldview as someone raised in, say, New York, or LA, or Chicago, or even Indianapolis?

The entire premise that everyone of a given generation is substantially the same, has the same beliefs and is collectively responsible for any failings or shortcomings if that that era is absolutely ridiculous and detestable.

Good on Miguel for dumping that author for suggesting that any member of "my" generation should be sent to camps and have their wealth redistributed, but I still believe he should have nipped that issue in the bud long before it got to that point. And, had he done so, it wouldn't have gotten so out of hand that he felt the need to shut the blog down completely as a result.