Wednesday, May 01, 2024

As a lot of universities continue down into the drain, Updated

I wonder how many people are letting the places know "You let this crap continue?  Not one more dollar from me and mine!"?  Not to mention "If my kid gets hurt because you let this crap get this bad, I'm going to sue your ass off!"

As to which, I wonder if they could make it a class-action suit?
Anti-Israel students at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt have taken over a campus building in addition to occupying a portion of campus, forcing administrators to close campus for the rest of the semester.

Posts on social media show that the protesters have vandalized a building on campus with anti-Israel messaging. The university estimates damage to property is in the millions.

Over at Columbia, apparently the campus brass decided they'd looked stupid long enough and asked NYPD to clear some of the mess. Which was done.

Well, it's the clowns running these colleges and hiring marxists and other idiots to teach kids to be this way, so hopefully the blowback from this open "Kill the Jews!" from staff and students will wash the bastards out.  Probably not, but if there's enough money loss, maybe(that's about all these people will really get upset about).

Speaking of what has been taught,
This must be why Ivy League students, supposedly our “best and brightest,” fail to grasp how the First Amendment actually works. For them, “free speech” means being allowed to occupy/disrupt/scream at whoever, wherever, and whenever. What’s more hilarious, however, is when activists’ tough façades fade away faster than Joe Biden’s train of thought when challenged.

In the near future perhaps their excuses can include screaming “I’M A PROFESSOR!!” when they’re about to be arrested for trespassing, interfering with an arrest, etc.:

There's also that if their feelings are hurt, or they think they can use it as a weapon, they'll scream "TRIGGERED!" and "MICROAGGRESSIONS!", yet they should be free to insult, slander, threaten lives, and physically attack people and that should be allowed.  And some universities and governments agree with them.

Screw 'em, one and all.  

As to some campus "We have to shut this down", let's not forget the possibility of Biden, or someone in the cabinet, calling presidents and deans and saying "This is really hurting the Party, you have to shut some of this off!"

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