Monday, April 22, 2024

Another reason to keep kids out of public schools, or at least

keep a damn close watch on things.
Business Insider's Matt Drange revealed in a recent report about the epidemic of teacher relationships many of the sordid details - including emoji-filled text messages, transcripts from investigations and disciplinary files.

Drange said, the pages 'documented grooming and groping, the sharing of d**k picks and porn, sexualized comments in classrooms, oral sex in bathrooms, and statutory rape,' that in some cases continued for years.

His report highlights a disturbing pattern that 'school administrators across the United States catastrophically failing to prevent abuse,' and there is no federal agency, he said, that tracks teacher sexual misconduct.

Drange said during his investigation, he requested disciplinary records and severance agreements from the ten largest school districts in all 50 states, and license revocations from every state's Department of Education, but his request was met with opposition.

Alabama, Iowa, and Virginia refused to release any records, he said. While other districts, asked to be compensated, in order for the request to be filled.

In his report, he wrote that the Hawaii Department of Education asked for $75,060. The Katy Independent School District in Texas wanted $125,352, and the Lincoln Public Schools in Nebraska invoiced $243,836.

While other districts, he revealed, never provided records, including Alaska's Bering Strait School District. In 2019, the BSSD paid $12.6 million to 13 sex abuse victims involving an instructor at the school.

And a real winner, from the People's Republic of  Massachusetts, 
Springfield Public Schools in Massachusetts, was another district he cited, that would not release any records and claimed it would be an 'invasion of the teachers' privacy outweighing any possible right of the public to know.'
Which, to suspicious me, sounds like "Go away, we're not admitting anything!"

Throw in this from Chicago.  So kids are getting often lousy educations, and may be abused by teachers, and the schools- like in some of the crap that came out about the Edmond school district in Oklahoma- want to hide it or just make it go away.

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