Wednesday, October 18, 2023

How wonderful are the people at the ADL?

This wonderful:
BREAKING: The @ADL just scrubbed their website to remove information about their intern who was filmed ripping down posters at @nyuniversity of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists. @JGreenblattADL
Isn't that just so special?

He's really concerned about the 'optics' of the problems this law creates.  Isn't that just wonderful of him?
Now throw in that the Michigan Sheriff's Association says "We weren't asked about this, and were left out of discussions", but their Deputy Director testified in favor of this Red Flag law. so they don't know who's saying what.  Yeah, that works.

I'll give them another problem: they show up at someone's house at 0-dark-thirty and the poor bastard they're raiding has no idea what's going on and thinks it's a home invasion.  And it turns out to have been set up by a statement from an ex, or a family member or neighbor with a grudge.  You want bad optics?

A bunch of universities and students continue to discover that said student activists let their Jew-hating freak flag fly has consequencesWho could have imagined?

Hospital in Gaza gets blown up.  Hamas immediately says "The Jews did it!", and our idiot media parrots that.  Slight problem: it was a Hamas rocket that went off track that did it.
No, no links: most of our 'news' and 'humanitarian' organizations are either flat blaming Israel, or playing "Well, Hamas says this, and the J- ah, Israel says that".  You can find it all easily.

Now to try to catch up on some of the stuff I'm behind on.


Phelps said...

The Gaza thing is even more ridiculous.
Hospital parking lot gets blown up.
Hamas says, "jews blew up 500 people in hospital!"
Israel says, "that hospital was a terrorist base!" until they realize that it's a Christian hospital.
Then Israel says, "you did it, here's a video of the rocket!"
Hamas says, "dude, that video is from 40 minutes after the bombing."
Then Israel says, "here's a recording of two Hamas guys talking about doing it."

And that is where we are now. Both sides lie so much, they both lie when the truth suits them better. There are no good guys. This is like two women in a bar, covered in shit, holding their own infants and having a knife fight. Just stay out of it. If you try to do anything, you are just going to end up with shit infected cuts, dead babies, dead women, and the blame.

Sailorcurt said...

"I'll give them another problem: they show up at someone's house at 0-dark-thirty and the poor bastard they're raiding has no idea what's going on and thinks it's a home invasion. And it turns out to have been set up by a statement from an ex, or a family member or neighbor with a grudge. You want bad optics?"

That's already happened. They just cover up the "bad optics" by prosecuting the "poor bastard".

Google Ryan Frederick, Chesapeake, VA.

The gist of it of ex-girlfriend gets pissed that Ryan broke up with his sister. Tells the cops that Ryan has an "extensive marijuana grow operation in his garage". Cops don't bother to investigate, just raid him.

0-dark thirty, Ryan is asleep in bed. Cops Knock Loudly, several of them shout incomprehensibly, and as soon as they think they see any activity in the house, proceed to try to break the door down. Ram operator misses the meat of the door, blows out a panel of the door and loses the ram inside the house. Reaches through the hole to try to open the door from the inside.

Meanwhile, Ryan wakes up from dead asleep, hears loud banging and yelling and general chaos, grabs his gun and goes into the hallway where he sees someone reaching through a hole in his door. He fires once.

The bullet went through the armpit hole in the cop's body armor and into the chest cavity. He didn't survive. After the shot, the cops back off, Yell through a bullhorn that it's the cops, at which point Ryan surrenders peacefully.

They charged him with first degree murder, claiming that he was "lying in wait" for the cops.

Ryan had no idea what was going on, thought it was a home invasion and was defending himself. As soon as he realized it was the cops he surrendered.

Pre-trial, the prosecution quickly engaged it's PR team and leaked to the press anything and everything they could find on Ryan to vilify him. Also was caught red handed withholding discovery from the defense team.

There was a dead cop (who by all accounts was really one of the good guys) so the jury felt they couldn't just let it go, but it obviously wasn't murder 1, so they found him guilty of voluntary manslaughter and he ended up doing something like 5 years of a 7 year sentence.

All because he broke up with a girl.

And that was before all this "red flag" nonsense. It's only gonna get worse.

Firehand said...

Yeah. And that's just one, there are so many "Who needs to investigate? Let's put on the ninja suits and kick doors!" cases you can't keep track. And that's the ones we know of.

And yes, with this crap it'll get worse.

Anonymous said...

“Then Israel says, "here's a recording of two Hamas guys talking about doing it."

I believe jack shit about ANYTHING we hear from war zones reported by ANYONE.
Beheaded babies is still being thrown around. Where is the concrete evidence?? I haven’t seen any.

All of a sudden the IDF has a recorded conversation between Hamas members about a rocket hitting a parking lot but they were *completely* surprised and have zero recordings of anyone planning the initial attack.
How convenient…
Just like in Ukraine, the spin doctors are working overtime.

Trumpeter said...

I don't know anything but, . . . It sure would be interesting if Jewish owned and supporting business showed the flag and let the customers make the same decisions about the businesses that they themselves want to make to the students. Sure would be a shame for someone to do it for them.

Firehand said...

There are assholes putting stars on Jewish homes in Germany. And I'm really surprised the assholes here haven't been doing it on homes and businesses on a wide scale. And yeah, it would be a shame on the assholes doing it.

A lot of the businesses asking "Who are these idiots so I don't hire them" aren't Jewish, they just don't like racist assholes.

Phelps said...

Seems like there is plenty of racism on both sides of it, so I guess the people to count on are the ones that just stay out.