Thursday, October 19, 2023

If I were Jewish, I'd agree

The Left half the of Western World is celebrating the mass murder of Jews in Israel.

This, this right fucking here, is exactly why I own guns and train with my guns.

These fucking people would frog march my Jewish ass into a gas chamber to the shouts of “decolonize” and “free Palestine” with alacrity.

They said so and I believe them.

The only question now is: is this just talk or will they actually try it?

If they do, I’ll be fucking ready.


OLDFART said...

I'm not Jewish but I fully and proudly support the right of self defense for all Jews every where. After visiting the concentration camp of Auswitz I will forever have deep respect and love for the Children of God.

(((Doc B))) said...

I'm a Jew. Bring it. I don't get on the fucking boxcar.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. You don't even have to be Jewish to get that treatment. Communists killed over 100 million of their own people last century. Almost all of them were not Jews.

B said...

The sad part is Israel is very anti citizens with guns.

I think that only about 1 in 10 jews would fight back anyway.

Seriously. Not an attack on jews, just that many are very passive. an observation of the types of people they are.

Then again, you had incidents like the Warsaw Ghetto in WWII, so there's that to consider...

But disarming your population in a hostile world seems a poor decision.

Firehand said...

Yeah, commies are very indiscriminate about who they murder, just have to be seen as an 'enemy of the party'.

I know Israel was created as something of a socialist country, but with their history I've never understood why the "Commoners don't need guns" crap.

rickn8or said...

B, I've never understood why Jews, with their history, seem to be very ("civilian") anti-gun.

Firehand, can you explain it?

Anonymous said...

What comes to mind is the old adage “Power corrupts”.
When you’re large and in charge, peasants having the means to say NO! isn’t appealing.

Phelps said...

Yup. Of course, the Israelis (particularly) have made it clear that as soon as the world isn't looking, they intend to make Gaza and parts of the east bank into ovens as well.
Both sides are aimed at genocide, and I'm staying out of the splash range. Both sides treat Christians like shit, so why should I care about either?

slow joe crow said...

I am Jewish and none of the Jew haters have had the courage to so much as say boo outside my house. Then again I live in a mostly conservative neighborhood with lots of armed citizens so it's stony ground for Antifa

Anonymous said...

I’m armed because I can read and find history interesting. The common lot of humanity throughout history is slavery and slow starvation. John Locke and a few of his disciples carved out an exception to that about 250 years ago. It is my intention to live free or die. Our government, as long ago as the Wilson administration declared war on its citizens and I mean to fight back.

I don’t know why the phrase “Shoot back first” keeps resonating in my head.

A Pinochet said...

I hate both of them over there. Screw Hamas and the Jews to!!! Such a troublesome people, though Israel is a terrorist state.

Here are some patriotic American Jews helping secure our border: