Friday, July 01, 2022

And the next act in the side ring is

A male who identified as a lesbian and had the sole lesbian representative removed from Baltimore’s LGBTQ Commission while pushing lesbophobic sentiment in 2018 has quietly detransitioned.

Kodah Pipitone, *birth name John Francis, but also previously known as ‘Ava’, was instrumental in having lesbian advocate Julia Beck kicked off the commission and shunned as a “TERF,” then sponsored an event which advertised that “exclusionary” lesbians would be “hung [sic] by their necks.”


And the 'trans above all' act rolls on.  Wonder how long they'll be the favored minority of the left, and what will take their place?


riverrider said...

they're working hard to normalize pedos.

Firehand said...

Some of them, for quite a while.

And they're willing to sacrifice a lot of other minorities/groups to do it. Which makes me wonder when said others will get tired of being crapped on in the name of the new whatever, instead of either playing along or making excuses.

Anonymous said...

Facts and logic cannot dissuade people who came to their beliefs through emotions. Only pain will do that.