Sunday, April 17, 2022

The morning exercises are done,

and I'm now supposed to put an ice pack on for a while, which will be done.  The knee is improving, and the swelling is down a bit, so more walking is on the menu.  Which, as long as I don't get graceful and wind up on my face or ass, is wonderful.

About the swelling: I suspect this is caused by the body flushing out wastes and whatever from the swelling and bruising, I'm peeing like the proverbial racehorse at night.  For about the first week- week and three it was pretty dark all the time, but is lightening now(wonderful detail, right?).  Or I'm just drinking enough that I'm having to go more than usual, but I suspect the first theory.  In any case, it almost- almost- makes me miss the catheter that was in from after the surgery till just before I left.

Ah well.  I must get to the icing.  And, despite the previous subject matter, a Happy Easter to you all.

1 comment:

David said...

Glad that things are getting better. Hope it goes quickly. Your work on this site is much appreciated!