Thursday, April 21, 2022

Be it noted that using a walker has hazards

Generally more stable than a cane, but if it gets tilted just a little to one side or the other, you may be in trouble.  Also, when moving it sideways keep your weight as centered as possible for the same reason.

And it's easy to start moving faster than you should, which could cause you to overbalance to the front.

No, I haven't fallen over, but a couple of times I was about on the edge.

One more thing: if the surface you're on is tilted, watch out because that's the start of a bad situation of you aren't careful.


Anonymous said...

i wish i could send you the video my idiot friend sent me ...
he hates his walker ok ?
so what does he do ?
he gets out a 50 year old skateboard and goes ripping down the sidewalk while pushing the walker ahead of him...
no not a sane thing to do...

Anonymous said...

Yep. Wife hates hers too.