Sunday, March 24, 2019

"My bill to interfere with doctors prescribing pain meds

is not intended to interfere with that."
These people truly suck.  Unfortunately, the chances of most journalists actually calling her on this and pinning her down is just about zero.

You're going to be interviewed by a leftist, record it.

Short version of Occasional-Cortex and Comrade Mayor: "Too many of the wrong minority are getting into this school.  And they're practically white anyway.  Standards must be lo- er, adjusted so more of the right people get in."

He now believes the center is “nothing more a than a hollow PR move by the University of California system to gain political cachet in DC.”
Considering the state of 'free speech' in Californicated, anyone surprised?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the good Senator enjoy the wonders of modern medicine, with a knee replacement surgery procedure and therapy that's gone from 5 days in hospital care and 2 months of out patient physical therapy, to close to an out-patient procedure and 7 hydrocodone pills, see ya & good luck!