Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Yeah, we know who the racists are

“Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren’t racist,” Tlaib said. “It is insensitive — some would even say it’s the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself.”
When Tlaib attempted to clarify, she dug herself a deeper hole, claiming that Meadows committed a "racist act" but she wasn't actually calling him a racist. (She sounded an awful lot like Cohen, who declared earlier in the hearing that although he had lied, that didn't make him a liar.)
Tlaib is a shithead. 

And then we have this from the head of the Committee:
Cummings concluded the hearing with an angry speech, declaring that Congress is "better than this."
Says one of the dickheads who lied and claimed the Tea Party called him racist names after Obamacare was shoved through.  Who said the only reason anyone cared about Gunwalker was because the President and AG were black.

No, Cummings, it isn't; because you and clowns like you have made it this way.  I hope you choke on it.

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