Wednesday, January 15, 2014

So which do Democrats hate most: self-defense in general, or

self-defenders being protected from being sued?
In HB 179 proposed today by Rep. Deborah Dixon (D-District 63)  the protection citizens have when defending themselves anywhere other than within 30 feet of their home would be removed.

In her bill she proposes the protections of criminal liability provided in Mississippi’s Castle Doctrine ”not be extended to any person who, in the act of resisting the commission of a felony upon him or within his dwelling, kills the aggressor outside of the immediate premises thereof. ”


Anonymous said...

IOW according to this dimwit if you ain't at home you are fair game for any and all thugs that are out and about and REFUSE to comply with her utopian schemes.

Gerry N. said...

Dimmicrats simply cannot abide not being in control of every aspect of YOUR life.

It's as simple as that.