Monday, January 06, 2014

In the Dark and Fascist State of New York, some pigs are WAY more equal

than everyone else:
Lacking a laser pointer, Hauer drew his handgun and used the laser target designator attached to it to draw attention to the salient point. According to the officials the incident “rattled” three members of the Swedish delegation “when the gun’s laser tracked across one of their heads before Hauer found the map of New York, at which he wanted to point.”
But wait!  There's MORE!
It is not clear why Hauer, who is not a law enforcement officer, was allowed to carry a loaded handgun into a state office building. Hauer “was disabled by a stroke a few years ago and can be unsteady,” according to the Times Union, but he does have a license to carry a firearm in Albany and New York City. Reporters questioning whether Hauer received a “carve-out” from the Public Facilities Law that would have barred him from carrying a weapon inside a state office have so far not received an answer.
Of course not; and unless they push really damn hard or get really lucky they won't; the Official Class is covering for each other.

So: actions that would have had a plain citizen in a cell get cover-up for a Only One.

Wonderful place, New Effing York.

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