Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Well, yeah, we knew the tax was there, and didn't like it,

but we voted for it anyway.  Now we don't want it to happen."
Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed.  Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the Democratic senators say the levy will cost jobs — in a statement Monday, Sen. Al Franken called it a “job-killing tax” — and also impair American competitiveness in the medical device field.
 But in the name of Supporting The Lightworker, you voted for it anyway.  Aren't you just wonderful, showing real concern for it now?

I would state exactly what I think of them, but I'm trying to refrain from such language.

Same kind of crap I've heard when I bring up something not reported in a 'approved by lefties' media outlet: "Oh, that's Faux News, you can't believe that!", etc.  Shut one guy up when he asked "If it's real, why hasn't CNN or NPR reported it?"(this was on Gunwalker) and I replied, "Considering that it's not just Fox, it's also a reporter at CBS, that is a damn good question; why HAVEN'T your favorites reported on this?" 
He didn't have an answer.  And didn't like the question.

Ah, more of those things we only get to find out about AFTER the bill was passed: more taxes in Obamacare.


Bob said...

"Shut one guy up when he asked "If it's real, why hasn't CNN or NPR reported it?"(this was on Gunwalker) and I replied, "Considering that it's not just Fox, it's also a reporter at CBS, that is a damn good question; why HAVEN'T your favorites reported on this?"
He didn't have an answer. And didn't like the question."

Well said.

Windy Wilson said...

Or, not just CBS, how about Univision? Another example of doing jobs Americans won't do.

Luton Ian said...

I think I may have just stumbled on the reason why even the (otherwise very committed) jounalists on the street have been avoiding gunwalker;

Grigg's latest post is covering former DEA cop John McLaughlin, who fell foul of a politically connected drugs gang

very well politically connected.

The links also lead to this piece about Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News, who had published an expose of a 3 letter agency covering up the drug smuggling into the u.s. by the Nicaraguan Contras

As Grigg puts it (with a link in the text):

"Despite the fact that subsequent investigations by the CIA’s Inspector General and a Senate committee vindicated Webb’s reporting, the writer was ruined, both professionally and personally. In December 2004, Webb – who was divorced, penniless, unemployed and unemployable, and facing eviction – became a member of that exclusive club of suicide victims who somehow managed to shoot themselves in the head, twice. "

Read the whole pieces, Different ferral agency, but otherwise it is spookily like gunwalker.