Friday, August 16, 2024

"These two foods will kill you!

Current version!"  The part that stands out to me:
'We advise that people eat less overly processed, high in saturated fat, sugar and salt food. This includes food like cakes, biscuits, pastries, crisps, sugar-sweetened drinks, and fast food like pizza and burgers.

'These types of food have no fibre and contain virtually no essential nutrients, they should only be eaten occasionally and in small amounts.'

Too much of most things can be bad; but burgers and pizza 'have no fibre and contain virtually no essential nutrients'?  Really?  That I would describe as a load of crap.  But it's great for the "Eat only what we say is good" people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah well. the necessity of fiber is a total myth, there is no credible evidence that saturated fat is harmful, most people do not consume enough salt. Highly processed is bad, sugar is dangerous and seed oils are even worse. Pizza and burgers are unhealthy because of all of the substances in them that are not meat and cheese. Other than that they did okay.