Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Don't worry, commoners, we'll adjust your diet to fit.

It's all to Save Mother Gaia, y'know!"
Food production could fall by 25 per cent in England under the most ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions, a Government study has concluded.

Experts at conservation body Natural England who looked at nine scenarios to change land use found that it was not possible to deliver a strong reduction in greenhouse gas emissions without reducing the food supply.

Their report said: 'At the UK scale, there is a strong trade-off between emissions reduction and food production.'

It added: 'Under the most ambitious climate change mitigation scenario, food production is expected to decline by up to 25 per cent.

How much would you bet that the 'elites' will still eat whatever they want?  And plenty of it.


Sailorcurt said...

That's OK, we had a bumper crop of cicadas this year, we can ship them some and then they'll have plenty to eat.

Anonymous said...

They don't get their Waygu from England. It comes from Japan, whose carbon emissions (along with China, et al) are irrelevant to them.

Firehand said...

Daily Mail had a 'These foods will kill you!' article that included this:
'...and fast food like pizza and burgers.

'These types of food have no fibre and contain virtually no essential nutrients, they should only be eaten occasionally and in small amounts.'
Really? No essential nutrients? In what freakin' world?

Terrapod said...

The idiocy of the so called "green" movement is breathtaking - literally. More CO2 means plants grow better and faster, more CO2 means easier agriculture in colder zones and lastly - no food, no people. So what are we to conclude from all the idiocy? Mostly that those that think themselves at the top of the heap are so deluded as to think they will survive when all the farmers, petrochemical industries, transportation industries and energy producers begin to fail. Yes, that's the ticket. Wankers all of them.

Steve Sky said...

Straight out of 1984. We will ration your food and you'll enjoy it.