Saturday, July 06, 2024

There's a name for these people: the enemy

My Capitol office was vandalized yesterday in a vile act of hate in which the posters of the more than 100 people still held hostage in Gaza (including 8 Americans) were ripped from the wall, shredded and tossed across the hallway.

— Rep. Brad Schneider (@RepSchneider) July 5, 2024
Hey, guy, your party has been encouraging these asshats for a long time. And I'll bet none of them go to jail for this.  Also encouraged by your party.

And then we have these assholes, on our Independence Day, carrying terrorist flags and calling for death to America.  And I wonder how many of them are here illegally?  And know nothing will happen to them, no matter what they do?


Citizen Zed said...

I call Shenanigans. This was a planned act by his people in order for them to call for more Orwellian restrictions on the populace.
How otherwise could a private office in a ultra-secure facility be vandalized?

Anonymous said...

They won't rot in jail for months with no charges.

Phelps said...

Give it a week to make sure that he didn't tear his own posters down.

Anonymous said...

Since he's a dem, I'm going with either he or his staffers did it.
Mark in PA

Anonymous said...

These are not the insurrectionists we are looking for.
They were allowed to do this, and will not be punished.
John in Indy